Nov 2, 2010

Genetic geometry - Optimize a curve with Galapagos in Grasshopper

In this days I'm doing very-very simple tests on genetic geometry, learning the complexity of the tool Galapagos that you can find in Grasshopper.

The video below shows a simple application of the genetic tool applied on a simple problem (in this example):
What is the closest curve to an attractor point (ATT) that I can generate moving 2 points (A and B)?

Galapagos allows to create genetic populations that get closer to a fitness target that you set.
In this case the target was to have the distance between the final curve and the attractor = 0.

Even if the solution of the problem seems easy, there are potentially infinite different solutions. It only depends on the genetic algorithm used. In this video, after few generations, the solution is displayed.
If you run again the program, you may get different results, but all of them will solve the problem.

The overall idea is to use the same genetic tools of the nature to obtain a better result generation over generation. If the problem has no solutions, the generation may be random and never lead to a final result.
The potential of this tool is enormous. 

Some interesting stuff about it can be read here:
Algorithmic Nature (pdf download, 220 pages)

And some other books you can order if you are still hungry:

In the meantime if you want, feel free to play with my definition, that you can get here.
(You need the latest grasshopper version to run it)
But as I said at the beginning is just a quick tests.
Hope it may help to get you started in discovering Galapagos more.

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